Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can Perrier Water Help An Upset Stomach

Burn After Reading - Burn After Reading?

movie info:

Cinema City (Munich)



familiar with the clueless idiots and the cinematic universe, the design of the Coen brothers since the 1980s, usually no quarter. That at the last second turns up a guardian angel (as in "Hudsucker - The Big Jump", fd 30 810) or a biblical flood changed everything (as in "? O Brother, Where Art Thou", fd 34 496), one should better not leave. The Coen brothers are like the Darwinists among U.S. independent filmmakers: the law of the jungle and the crazy coincidences anarchy determine who lands at the end of her films in the chopper and who it is. In "No Country for Old Men" (fd 38 601) they had gone through with the bloodcurdling consequence if Javier Bardem as embodied (death) arbitrarily tossed a coin and thus decided who was allowed to live and who was blown out with the captive bolt pistol light. The grotesque form in which the dying in Coen movies (and the filmmakers is sometimes interpreted as cynicism), has something of the late Middle Ages by a dance of death: macabre, balancing between horror and laughter suggests, a "Wild Life" to which each system of meaning, even the genre films resisted. While prevailed in "No Country for Old Men" the terror dominates "Burn After Reading" again laughing. But even in this intelligence farce is not without a certain "body count" from, but asks a whole bunch of (star-studded) Fate of the fool out of them Malkovich George Clooney as a go-getting ladies' man with paranoid traits, Brad Pitt as a true-hearted, energetic idiot with bleached hair ends and John as a drunken, permanently outraged ex-CIA agent. The latter is the comedy in motion is: Balkan specialist Osbourne Cox is to be condemned because of his alcohol problem to a desk job, which he indignantly acknowledged the CIA service and writes his memoirs. Of course, this controversial material gets into unauthorized hands soon, and of course, bite the inexperienced blackmailer, the Cox want to sell their own information, from her amateur coup more than they can swallow. Since all somehow still have affairs with each other and crossed again a concatenation of unfortunate coincidences, all plans, finally even the CIA director no idea anymore what's going on. In all the crazy clowning and has exaggerated quirks of the characters, "Burn After Reading" in a wonderful Frances McDormand emotional center: She plays Linda, the employees of a health club, which is the CD with Cox's data in their hands. As the barber Ed in "The Man Who Was not There" (fd 35 136) or the car dealer Jerry in "Fargo" (fd 32 223), this is getting on in years single woman a touching little Normalo, was not a fate just spoiled. Also, she grabs the opportunity to come with a small amount of criminal energy to a large sum of money, just decided by the hair, in order thus to pave the way for a supposedly better life - and one would wish the undaunted, strong-willed figure well, against all rules of reason to get away. But like other Coen characters they must also learn that the American path of "Pursuit of Happiness" is just full of pitfalls for small fish - therefore it soon pave the first corpse. Once again, the Coens, the "Burn After Reading" show produced by "No Country for Old Men" relatively quickly have, as she masterfully mastered the formulas of genre films - not least when they defeated them with insolent nonchalance. To describe the wit of the dialogue duels and the absurd situations to which the actors involved with evident pleasure, the English adjective "hilarious" would fit well, in German it makes a hearty "hilarious" at perhaps the best, because it also equal the roughness is covered with the aura of the CIA as a safety and supervisory by the private quirks and obsessions Wolf is rotated. Here the filmmakers look back with irony, but also a shot of affection for their characters, as zealous how naive a bit of luck and wrestle it from the materialistic aspects of the "American Dream" are just as blinded by their own neuroses. In the end you can only hope that the fickle chance but once a decision in favor of the clueless idiot. Felicitas Kleiner (filmdienst 20/2008)


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