Wanda Falk |
end Frebruary found in Berlin, the study session of the GAW EKBO instead. Theme was: background information on the spiritual life and the Diakonia of the Evangelical Church in Poland. Bishop Ryszard Bogusz from Wroclaw and the Polish Head of Diakonia Wanda Falk gave a deep insight into the situation of Polish Lutherans. The church has about 75,000 members. representing about 2% of the total population of Poland. Six dioceses with 134 parishes are of 162 Spiritual care.
There are still no women pastors in the Lutheran Church. At the last Synod in October 2010, said the Synod opposed the ordination of women. Well they said that theologically there is nothing against the ordination of women and follows the guidelines herein the Lutheran World Federation. However, again and again the special Polish situation are highlighted, the Catholic context, and that there are basically no women candidates. However, there are many theologians who work but as a deaconess and catechists.
In the coming week prepared by the women's work of the GAW further consultation with Polish Theologians. Even the Protestant Federal government is involved. The Lutheran World Federation supports these activities. - Rev. Enno Haak
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