Sunday, November 28, 2010

Albertsons Ski Coupons

Advent is a journey towards the birth of love. For

from faithful readers of my Ethics Post from the Tauber Valley today I received an award from Zitante card (to satisfy the copyright to do) with the above quote from the beautiful Herbert Wesely, an Austrian author.
Sometimes, I believe, lead angel human thoughts and hands, so that they may be an instrument of this divine level.
Without it had known the two lovely people, I was the postcard just like today a light, as it appears above in this picture, too.
you did me so well.
Sometimes we look into the depths of our being and need to know things that we did not see it and want.
Such findings remind us how much we are on the way ... to love.
on the road.
recognize in these words, we humbly to the essence of our being there.
Because we are on the way, Christmas is so important and this time the contractions we call Advent .
This can be born again in our minds what we really always have: a child of God.

I wish all my readers a blessed Advent.
And especially love and grateful greetings to Taubertal!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Steam Trawler For Sale

intermediate inspections

intermediate inspections during the project are certainly good and necessary. Give the project a degree of security to move on to the next phase. They can thus form a kind of scope-based negotiations on the project further.
The question arises, however, when intermediate inspections to be done and how.

given to the project but for now be aware, should be where or at what point it in his project, a preliminary acceptance.

  • Following the conception, or before starting implementation
  • General After preparing the designs
  • Before beginning
  • migration on the achievement of milestones
intermediate inspections may be carried out in various ways. At best, this is before the project manager. Here are some examples:

first Between take-log:
The project manager and the client create an interim acceptance protocol in which a portion of the project (Eg screen design) is taken formally. The minutes were signed by both sides and comes into the public domain project bin.

second Between acceptance of the Issue Tracking System: In
Issue tracking system (JIRA example) a task is created for the intermediate decrease (eg purchase of screen design). The client has now confirmed the decrease of the issue tracking system, in which he commented on the issue accordingly and click "Done" is. Does he have to purchase supplements, so he can also add to the comments.

third Zwischenabname in the weekly report:
The project agreed with the client, that the interim acceptance has been made and documented this in the Weekly Report. The importance here is that the client, the weekly report decreases formal (eg written confirmation by mail or also via the issue tracking system (ideally, this is anyway at each weekly report of the case)

fourth interim acceptance by mail.
The Project creates a confirmation email to the interim acceptance and the buyer confirms this

is from my experience, point 2 is best for an interim decrease, if the process has etabiliert about the issue tracking system, so that's the fastest. way, an intermediate decrease perform.
The creation of an interim inspection protocol is often very expensive. For the signing ideally a physical meeting is needed, possibly after the protocol must be adjusted once and then can be the signature. Such adjustments can be made about the comments in the issue tracking system quickly and easily.
point 3 is also good for the interim loss, but only if the project has etabiliert an acceptance process for the weekly reports. If not, it would not be consistent if the customer once the weekly report must remove formal and other times not.
point 4 is recommended only if no other tools (issue tracking or weekly report) are present. Otherwise, messages are often accidentally deleted or go under in the amount of mail.
The final but should be in every case in written form in a test certificate.

is important to identify such reduction processes at the beginning of the project with the client, so that these intermediate inspections may take place smoothly and prevent further work on the project or not delay.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Air Force Ots Gpa Requirement

ethics colleagues and all who wish to consult on aging and death ...

This questionnaire goes back to Max Frisch's questionnaire on death in his diary II . There, yes, the Swiss writer died in 1991 include questionnaires on money, marriage, humor, and delicious home made public and they made their own way, some questions have to smile sometimes - or you look pretty dismayed.
I changed a few questions, omitted some, added others, it generated the following 24 questions, in class with older students were and are often led to a very in-depth exchange of views:

first If you imagine you casually, you were never born: Worried you that idea?
second Wen, who is dead, do you want to see again?
third Who does not, however?
4th How old do you want to be?
5th Are you afraid of death?
6th Could You imagine that your views will change shortly before the death?
7th If there was death as an entity - which question (s) would you ask him?
8th Are not you afraid of death, but afraid of dying?
9th If you are thinking of your possible death, what you think of the best:

  • what you leave behind
  • something in your closet, you should see that no one
  • a landscape
  • cremation without pain
  • the world situation
  • those who remained
  • who or what you have expected
  • that everything was vain
  • what is to come without you never reached
  • the clutter in the drawers
  • that it already Sisyphus has managed to escape from the Hades
  • around you who mourn
  • ? .................................................

10th Have you ever been close to death and how did you experience?
11th Want to know how to die is?
12th What you do not like about funerals?
13th Would you rather die with consciousness or be killed by a roof tile?
14th Who do you begrudge your death?
15th It calms you, that there may be a kingdom of the dead and we all meet again?
16th Why do you want people who have a near-death experience, so often so reluctant to back to life?
17th Do you think that the way in which someone dies, the significance for his life after life?
18th Is this true for suicide?
19th What do you associate with aging keyword:

  • physical Expiration
  • precious time
  • daily visits
  • with 70 still on the Himalayas
  • age wisdom
  • old woman, who must not allow themselves to be old
  • denture
  • daily newspaper reading
  • many dear grandson
  • regularly 5 Tibetans
  • to travel time
  • ? .................................................

20th Would you immortal be?
21st It is said that it was important to go without hate this life. Do you believe that?
22nd When the breath and worsens, the doctor confirmed it: Are you sure that this moment has no more dreams?
23rd Is sleep a death in the little ones?
24th Why dying never weep?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wholesale Interlocking Mats

project management pitfalls: Forward mails

frequently I experience the following situation: The customer has
by mail a request made to the service (the project). The project manager manages the mail internally to the developer because he Question can not answer themselves. The developer responds to the mail and the project manager directs the mail with the heading "Dear Customer, Please find below the answer to the customer again.

So do not project!

In my view it is not at all customer-friendly when the customer who created the request, first the whole mail ping-pong between project managers and developers need to read an answer to his question to get.
The project should take the time to formulate an independent Antwot for the customer and respond directly to the mail by the customer. The history between the developer and project management has not lost in the mail to the customer.

formulate answers to a customer inquiry always self:
  • The Project Manager, so also look at the subject and can competently respond to any telephone customer demand.
  • The mail contains the language of the "project manager" and not the "Developer", which often is more understandable for the customer.
  • The customer gets to read the answer at a glance, without all the mail Ping-Pong have to.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sample Wedding Power Point Templates

seen on the waving banner fantasies

crying in the darkness When the jackdaw
and knowing the owl spreads its wings
the butterflies of the night slides in search
for the treasures of lost bliss
from shrub to shrub
from bush to bush
shivering rustle the leaves of the elder
of raspberry dances evocative of the night
and Invites all the warm heart
pass by
put in a good word
at the Scale of the moonbeams
that they would give the night of power
order to liberate all
what caught
in the networks of large spider

Piano Notes For Biffy

Part 5: Communication within the project team

Within a project team, there are many communication options that include my opinion, very much "conflict potential". Here are some examples:

communication via Skype and Instant Messaging
chat communication is very convenient, especially when you are not in the same room and want to send a developer to info (eg send a link or document, etc. ). It also poses many dangers:
  • chat is time consuming! Typing is often longer than
  • phone chat is not always evident: Without facial expressions and gestures and tone without the other person can do things are often misunderstood
  • chat Abklenkung. When continuously lit, the Instant Messaging icon that directs the real work from
For short chat information is certainly useful. Serious issues (eg if a team member violates the rules of the game) should never be accessed via chat, but always personal.

communication issue tracking and communication via mail:
Issue Tracking: see post here
mail: see post here

Personal Communications:
Within a project team, is the personal communication in my opinion the most important and the most efficient. Obstacles, problems, but above all praise and criticism should be addressed immediately and in person. Help following things:
  • regular feedback sessions on the team and if necessary also in the personal interview
  • Regular physical project status meetings
  • small talk during breaks or just in between
  • Regular exchange in the team
If no discussions take place, all done virtually, then the Projektleitder assume that something is wrong in the team ...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Scholarship Banquet Program

If star draw waves of love: About Friedrich Hebbel's "The Sacred"

When God in the biblical creation story, the woman from the nature Adam out creates, from the rib, and offer everything from the heart, he is committed to physical love, he would that recognize men and women , a word that is in the Bible for the physical union. And there is hardly a more beautiful love song as the Song the Bible in the middle of the Old Testament, the love between Shulamith and Solomon sings, his words leave no doubt: it is a pleasurable physical love, which both inspired in their vocals .. change
Even Friedrich Hebbel, in his life it has not been easy crashed, but the early death of his father, the family deep in poverty and he was sitting still, although he found a patron, often with empty stomachs in the lectures, refers to such a love. When he comes to Vienna zweiunddreißgjährig, torn and destitute as a tramp, he finds love and peace in the marriage to actress Christine Engh castle. The struggles and humiliations of his life are reflected in his work, although always low;
in the following poem, however, a sonnet, he sings in a uniquely beautiful way the sanctity of love:

When two together to sink still,
stirred up not by a vile fire
No, chaste in love, which reflects the innocence,
And shamefully, trembling, while they drank himself;

must then both worlds are interwoven,
Then the depth of nature is unlocked,
And from the creation Born in I unsealed,
jump a wave, to draw the stars.

What unformed in the spirit of the man
felt And in the breast of the woman hardly
dawned As the beautiful, that must mix;

but God does, is just unfolding, adding
The clear images of his latest hours
, the discarnate and fresh.

There's no hint of the sex addicts of our day, from business-excited and exhilarated sexualization, as we find in most media.
guide star contrary, that wave, which blazes through the union of two people from the middle point of being as a tracer that love their way through the cosmos.
When we read Hebbel lines, we feel the holiness of sexuality, physical love that is deeply sensual and pleasurable, Hebbel brings in the image of the mutual self-impregnation to express the self-Interlacing of masculine and feminine.
takes in each act, if it happens in love, the union of heaven and earth, of Uranus and Gaia, of yin and yang.
This actually happens in each act of love, if it takes place in love.
Then, only happens also something that crowns the love of God is added, his gift.
these photographs may have souls, it also may be images that enrich the cosmos, the dwelling place of human beings.
How far is the concept of love, as we find it today from it.
vile fire Hebbel calls him, and he knows that fire does not warm, it flare energy from useless.
But there is this other, his vision.
And all those who are deeply insecure like the Song of Solomon and in this poem to find confirmation: There is nothing more sacred than the physical and spiritual union of man and woman , yes: It is THE Helig.

May the above-mentioned wave their way through the middle and take the Vatican.
And through our heart!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Prolapsing Hemorrhoids.

Part 4: Communications in meetings

meetings must always be prepared by the meeting initiator, which is self-evident and must be explained at this point in more detail. Also, a subsequent protocol belongs to a meeting. I go in this post more to the communication in a meeting, and give some tips on what to consider: first

understand I keep experiencing situations where 5 people sitting at a table and discuss an issue while completely talking past each other. In such situations, it helps to first create a common understanding of the problem, for example, where the problem is recorded. , Explain in which each individual point of view.

second Most agents
Often, for a meeting PPT slides prepared and shown. The presentation has much more character in place of meeting. Presentations are safe for the red thread in the meeting helpful. Nevertheless, other tools are used, such as flip chart or look at an issue directly to the system or on the Web and discuss.

third Moderate
endless discussions should be avoided. For this it is helpful if someone deliberately assumes the role of moderation. The moderator is also the time for which the meeting is provided in the handle and see that all issues can be discussed, or move topics in a next meeting. The moderator should also ensure that all parties stay on topic. It is helpful if set at the beginning of the meeting, all (except the one who writes the log), the cell phones and laptops aside. These often distract from the real issues from

4th Listen and make excuses
is important to hear out the people. If the project but it reads a mail, or with the idea completely somewhere else that is just as disrespectful, as if you were to cut the person's word. Listening is important, even if not always have to do everything with the subject. If what is said relates to another topic, the moderator will move the next on a conversation.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Calories For 6 Foot Man

The unpleasant project ....

... constantly brings bad news. A typical customer statement, o).

performance ... It is having problems. We are looking for a Solution.
... According to the offer that is unfortunately not in the scope. We could open for a change request.
... The date can not be held because of xyz, unless we cancel some functionality.

Yes, the task of the project manager is to, together with everything else also bad news. In most cases, such messages move in a triangle dates, cost performance. That the customer is not happy, is clear, but there are a few ways that the project is therefore not just escalated:

first principle is the honesty:
The project manager should never build the customer with a castle in the air and expressing himself with vague excuses to customers. If a problem occurs, it must immediately on the table and it must be said about it: pack
  • Bad news is not in a status report or a mail, view special person with the client and clarify.
  • It helps to prepare already possible solution scenarios to design and show the client so that you already have a solution to the problem.
honesty also creates confidence!

As a second basic principle of the role clarification:
As the project leader also from the daily work is to monitor the scope to inform and communicate, it's just the way that it often remains hanging on the project to communicate bad news. We know this as a project and there is hardly a project where there are no "bad news". Here, it helps if the project manager at the start of the project, the client makes a concrete point out that this is his role and that it thus can happen sometimes that something unpleasant must be said. But as already mentioned, air locks have lost nothing in the project. It's better to be informed in advance of a problem than at the end to get a nasty surprise.
If we manage the project to build a cooperative relationship, it's easier to communicate such messages. With more customers icy conditions should the project be simple and genuine compassion show, try yourself in the position of the customer to enable. In an emergency you can call upon a person arbitration.

The third is the asking price Grungprinzip:
The project manager must be straight when problems occur over the asking price in mind. That is, he must know exactly what had been agreed, where the project stands, and what factors may impact the problem. This can help the following:
  • At the beginning of the project the Tade-Off define
  • intermediate inspections carried out
  • the contract and the general conditions know
  • The WEEKLY status reports and meeting minutes know
  • first case of problems or obstacles to get to Recognizing that everything should be documented clean. The documentation of the project should never be neglected, even if everything runs smoothly.
  • Advantageously, when the project manager has a wild symbol is: That is, the project has been before the problem occurred, and precautions. Risk analysis and appropriate action can in this case . Help

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Price Master Cue Pyragon

Part 3: Communicating on the telephone

addition to the physical meetings, phone calls are the most important means of communication in project management. Often, although the PL believes that it is faster with a mail, but a phone conversation is always better:

  • Through the interview, a case is understandable, the two call parties have the opportunity to explain the situation.
  • Many prefer to write about a touchy subject when they talk about it, but a sensitive topic can be better explained in a conversation, as in the mail (intonation, Introduction to Smalltalk)
  • Certain things can be resolved immediately, you get an instant answer, the mail, there may well take another day or more until a response is ready.

Nevertheless, project managers should not lump the phone in your hand and just call the customer time and then jump from topic to topic. As in the meeting also heard a phone conversation, a certain preparation: Write

aim of the meetings set
    important arguments (since they are forgotten during the interview often)
  • set interview guide (Introduction:
  • Before the phone conversation , Argrumentation, claim)
  • most, the customer in advance an agenda to send to the interview so that these be prepared likewise can. Scheduling
  • book case of "difficult discussions" a meeting room
  • time for the interview (also ask for time from customer)
  • best, call records sent in advance to the customer.

During the telephone conversation, seek
  • communicate goals at the beginning, the consent of the other party
  • If several participants (teleconference) the parties to present each
  • interview guide monitored and deviations avoid
  • Not being distracted by other
  • leave at the end of the conversation once again the main points and the result of including the process summarized

After the interview:
  • short protocol with the interview results to send to the customer

. And what do we do when we get a call from customers?
  • attempts to bring a structure into the conversation, according to the objectives of questions, specific questions
  • If you know any answers to the concerns of the customer, can we honestly say that and call the customer back at a later date.
  • Conversations on the train or in public places to avoid, or run with "code words". There are always people who listen. Also, the call could be interrupted due to bad connections. Here, too, ask for a callback.