intermediate inspections intermediate inspections during the project are certainly good and necessary. Give the project a degree of security to move on to the next phase. They can thus form a kind of scope-based negotiations on the project further.
The question arises, however, when intermediate inspections to be done and how.
given to the project but for now be aware, should be where or at what point it in his project, a preliminary acceptance.
- Following the conception, or before starting implementation
- General After preparing the designs
- Before beginning
- migration on the achievement of milestones
intermediate inspections may be carried out in various ways. At best, this is before the project manager. Here are some examples:
first Between take-log: The project manager and the client create an interim acceptance protocol in which a portion of the project (Eg screen design) is taken formally. The minutes were signed by both sides and comes into the public domain project bin.
second Between acceptance of the Issue Tracking System: In Issue tracking system (JIRA example) a task is created for the intermediate decrease (eg purchase of screen design). The client has now confirmed the decrease of the issue tracking system, in which he commented on the issue accordingly and click "Done" is. Does he have to purchase supplements, so he can also add to the comments.
third Zwischenabname in the weekly report: The project agreed with the client, that the interim acceptance has been made and documented this in the Weekly Report. The importance here is that the client, the weekly report decreases formal (eg written confirmation by mail or also via the issue tracking system (ideally, this is anyway at each weekly report of the case)
fourth interim acceptance by mail. The Project creates a confirmation email to the interim acceptance and the buyer confirms this
recommendation. is from my experience, point 2 is best for an interim decrease, if the process has etabiliert about the issue tracking system, so that's the fastest. way, an intermediate decrease perform.
The creation of an interim inspection protocol is often very expensive. For the signing ideally a physical meeting is needed, possibly after the protocol must be adjusted once and then can be the signature. Such adjustments can be made about the comments in the issue tracking system quickly and easily.
point 3 is also good for the interim loss, but only if the project has etabiliert an acceptance process for the weekly reports. If not, it would not be consistent if the customer once the weekly report must remove formal and other times not.
point 4 is recommended only if no other tools (issue tracking or weekly report) are present. Otherwise, messages are often accidentally deleted or go under in the amount of mail.
The final but should be in every case in written form in a test certificate.
is important to identify such reduction processes at the beginning of the project with the client, so that these intermediate inspections may take place smoothly and prevent further work on the project or not delay.