Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Does Sharking You Mean

basis for decision making: simple, Structured, clear

The project manager is often busy during the project to demand decisions. Often this involves a change in scope or the additional implementation of a change request or a new requirement. Especially with change requests and new requirements, it is important to have a quick decision on the part of contracts, as such points usually also affects the time and resources plan have. And the sooner we know if a change is mandated or not, the faster we can respond.

Thus, the client quickly but can also decide conscientiously should simple basis for decisions made. The most important rules about this:
  • Simple and clear list (on a side)
  • Even without explanation to the reader
  • advantages and disadvantages make (including any additional expenses, time shifts or risks)
  • recommendation by the project team

An example might look like such a solid management

as basis for decision making (content as an example only)

Such a template, the project created within minutes and can be reused accordingly. The result of a decision should then be logged for granted.


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