Monday, March 7, 2011

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Preparation of a further German-Polish meeting

theologian Halina Radacz
from Poland came Halina Radacz to discuss with our Director of Women Working in the GAW woman guest Kelly, and three theologians from the Protestant Federation, to what extent another German-Polish theologians conference can be conducted. The last task is Konfrenez of 9-13.9.2009 in Mikolajki, Poland. Meanwhile, much has happened in Poland. A new young head of the Episcopal Church, last October, the Synod has spoken out again against the ordination of women. Even telling the synod that theologically there is nothing against women's ordination, but the specific Polish Special to the contrary. Certainly there are hintregründig arguments that no one speaks openly.
And yet there are women like Halina, who lead a congregation independently and make it all up to the baptism, funeral, etc. - that sounds very contradictory and difficult to understand. And you wish the Polish Luther Church enrichment by women in office or even a pastor bishop. What would be the wealth!
envisaged is now mid-2012 for further consultation in Poland, starting from the preparation work by the Polish sisters, the Federal Evangelsichen and GAW. - Pastor Enno Haak

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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From the child in man, it has many faces and played many games, hiding from everything.

If Dad is playing with Märklin Railroad gleam in his eyes. And the son has to build the railroad then suddenly not alone on, even when the father with homework still said: "Do not be so stupid to control that you have already got themselves out"
The construction of the railway is the son of a fringe figure and the inner child of the father takes over as director. And the child will interfere son, then there's one in a figurative sense, are doing, as in the best turf battles in the sandbox of the playground.
Or if the kids play soccer and the father suddenly grabs the ball and herumtrickst overweight ... since it appears the boy, the child in man, before it goes right back in coverage, although the dad all the time in the legs itch to play along.
This inner child - in fact it's only one facet, we still have many inner child in us - is not really free and not really living.
How much of these inner children lived long after that, I have seen on theater training the education authority. When you begin to adults, teachers, improvise, play, then they bloom on incredible, and some students were surprised about some teacher and some teachers, such as transform and the original and creative can be. Someone they only know as dry teacher.
In everyday life, but these children are tucked away, hidden.
Behind can put the fear among other things, with some work around what you might not have everything under control, which then reports again and again, or play with real children will also do.
The adult who lives in union with his inner child has no fear that this inner child if it turns out, could lead a life of their own frightening.
What adult does not know, and what our understanding not yet perceived reality in 2011 the company has:
grown really is just someone who lives in harmony with his inner child who hears it when it wants something that shows him also necessary limits, if it is wants to realize not create temporary, who understands it and understands it and makes agreements with him, but both live.
inside children mean so much more than enthusiasm. Children are our inner intuition, our faith in life.
Or hear someone has an eight-year-old child after the meaning of life to ask or say:
"Now I am eight years old and my life dabbles along ..."
So thinks a child, because the thinking has not (yet) split off from feeling and the desire to He-and He-life experience.
course there is the child of the woman.
But strangely, that in the vernacular of the child in the man speaks, not the child in the woman ...
On my blog for inner child I give the short history of Ilse Aichinger's back, headed Window Heater .
Well, it's an old man whose inner child is shown here, and old people find it easier to show this again. But of course, is not either. Always but this story is worth reading, it makes us feel how much want to live our inner child, not the sullen, irascible, which may sometimes break away from us, or the paralyzed, the boredom border, rattling to life, but the child that the loves life because it lives.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Homemade Lead Pellets

theologians accept new tasks in Chile women

The LWF following text appeared on today's World Day of Prayer, which is liturgical in Chile.
"It's Friday night Maria Leyton looks forward to meeting the next day following the massive earthquake. February 27, 2010 initiated the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile (IELCH) a regular exchange between the stakeholders in the area at the port of Concepción. The houses here are small and the people who live here are poor. One of earthquake triggered tsunami devastated the area. The ACT alliance, whose members also IELCH and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) count has been the most severely affected, a new house. The LWF Department for World Service (DWS) has for the coordination of cooperation with the ACT alliance an employee sent to Chile, who helped the church in building up an emergency response program and working with the ACT alliance and with other local churches has supported. "Divide the table" Under the theme every Saturday morning at the instigation of the Lutheran Church about 80 families from the severely damaged area, to talk about their worries and problems and to think about mutual aid. "Most women come with their children," says Maria Isabel Moreno Castillo. The worker of the Lutheran Church stresses that much has changed with it the role of women in male-dominated society. And above all, solidarity would be strengthened in the community. The development of a community spirit in the town of Moreno works for only about women. Maria Leyton is one of the women who participate regularly in these meetings. The 54 year old single mother of three children said that they would not without the help of the Lutheran Church and the ACT alliance after the earthquake and subsequent tsunami was right. One year after the disaster, she is overwhelmed and agitated when she tells how Lutheran volunteers helped first.
handcrafts of Chile
"We are feet deep in mud and filth waded that have been washed away by the tidal wave in our neighborhood," she says . "Our house was totally destroyed," says ihre18 year-old daughter Tiare Leyton Salazar. "We could save on a nearby hill," she adds. And she also tells of the fish waste from the nearby fish factory that gave off a terrible stench. Leyton mother is happy that she has received as one of the hardest-hit one of the makeshift houses, which provided the ACT Alliance is available. The houses are made of solid wood construction and can be converted into a permanent home. One year after the earthquake still live in the neighborhood of 1,000 people in shelters. And many others still live in dilapidated houses, which were supposed to be torn down long ago. There is no running water or electricity. The conditions in the district of Santa Clara Vasquez Castillo, social workers of the Lutheran Church considers it scandalous. "The earthquake has revealed how weak the social security in Chile, "he says. He laments the hidden consequences of the earthquake in the social field. This "silent earthquake" is for him a long term problem. The 25-year old social worker is hoping that the earthquake people the problems of the country has made conscious. He refers in this context to the protests from environmentalists, who have hitherto received little attention. But the earthquake, the criticism of the fish and paper mills that pollute the environment with pollutants such as lead and cadmium, which are in turn responsible for cancer and birth defects has confirmed. From the bottom of the basin are the pollutants in the tidal wave on the surface come. For Castillo, the unrestrained exploitation of nature, the dark side of economic success in Chile.
also IELCH pastor Oscar Sanhueza complained that the government had tried after the earthquake, to draw to the world public the image of a prosperous and economically successful country. He sees the high unemployment rate in the communities served by him with concern. The 55-year-old, during the dictatorship in Chile came to his convictions to prison and tortured moves, after a year, however, a positive assessment of projects supported by the ACT alliance projects to help some 100 families, the houses and psycho-social care received. The problem of unemployment would like to specifically address the priest. may He relies particularly on the women found that small companies. For this, the Lutheran Church would like to offer workshops in order to train the women for example, as seamstresses. The need for this machine will make them Sanhueza pastor in the project also provided. For the small Lutheran congregations, it is difficult to raise the starting capital of € 5,000 alone. Meanwhile, the LWF provides through its Department for Mission and Development (DMD), to continue helping rebuild the communities in El IELCH Sembrador, La Trinidad, El Buen Samaritano, the of the earthquake and tsunami were also badly hit.
The LWF / DMD Area Secretary for Latin America and the Caribbean, Rev. Patricia Cuyatti stresses the importance of supporting the IELCH. "It was developed by the close and regular communication with the church leaders who were motivated in stressful emergency situations. The other members of the community were invited and asked to help, to pray, to write our sisters and brothers in Chile to help them, "said Cuyatti."

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Spiritual Life in Poland

Wanda Falk
end Frebruary found in Berlin, the study session of the GAW EKBO instead. Theme was: background information on the spiritual life and the Diakonia of the Evangelical Church in Poland. Bishop Ryszard Bogusz from Wroclaw and the Polish Head of Diakonia Wanda Falk gave a deep insight into the situation of Polish Lutherans. The church has about 75,000 members. representing about 2% of the total population of Poland. Six dioceses with 134 parishes are of 162 Spiritual care.
There are still no women pastors in the Lutheran Church. At the last Synod in October 2010, said the Synod opposed the ordination of women. Well they said that theologically there is nothing against the ordination of women and follows the guidelines herein the Lutheran World Federation. However, again and again the special Polish situation are highlighted, the Catholic context, and that there are basically no women candidates. However, there are many theologians who work but as a deaconess and catechists.
In the coming week prepared by the women's work of the GAW further consultation with Polish Theologians. Even the Protestant Federal government is involved. The Lutheran World Federation supports these activities. - Rev. Enno Haak

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The GAW and charity ...

The cleaning lady at the Lutheran School Escuela Belén in a poor district of Santiago de Chile is Catholic. Of the total 45 women and men who work there, no one is Lutheran, although among them are supporters of the small Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile. Which is not difficult, because the Church is characterized by great breadth and freedom of thinking and has also made on issues of human rights a name. Helmut Frenz, former bishop of this church and winner of the Nansen Refugee Award The United Nations stands for. would
This Lutheran school with Catholic, Pentecostal and nondenominational employees and students, however, it no longer without the Gustav-Adolf-Werk. At a critical point was the diaspora of the EKD there and the lack of money collected. An act of love and not only on the "brethren", even if the recipient of the donation, the Evangelical-Lutheran community reconciliation, the support of the school. This small minority community was so devotedly behind their school, they would probably have gone for their failure to object.
The theme of GAW, "Let us do good unto all men, but in the household of faith "(Galatians 6:10), is aimed at minority churches and their communities such as in Santiago de Chile. The GAW is aware of the responsibility to support minorities, so they take responsibility and charity practice can - and indeed to everyone! That the "brethren" must not be overlooked is the importance of GAW. Because - who else makes yet? In the nine years as pastor of the Evangelical-Lutheran community reconciliation I have experienced in some poor neighborhoods in Santiago. Well as church aid organizations, including evangelical character, which in the Lutheran Makers diaconal institutions make life difficult.
awareness is the GAW to his motto. And it is deliberately to strengthen minorities. Not so that they seal themselves sectarian, but that the multilingualism of the Gospel has the space.
In the article "Evangelical cleaning lady looking for," Kassel Sunday paper of 6 February 2011 appeared, the ambivalence of love in its concreteness prominent. Limits the charity to those whom you are close, because there is - as with family members - the responsibility is greatest? It's all about playing off against each other in need? The GAW is aware of the challenge, Lutherans, Reformed and United Christians stand by and support them in their involvement in their societies. Here is an example charity lived without limits, based on the suffering.
It is currently offered in our church situation to look at our sisters and brothers who live out their faith as a minority. Above all, it is good for us in Germany to take the responsibility seriously and Diaspora Diaspora works such as the GAW not to call into a number of organizations that cut themselves and take no responsibility for the remote neighbor. The Catholic
cleaning lady was glad to be in the Escuela Belén work, because we blew another, a freer spirit. I wish I had had time at school in Santiago, a Lutheran cleaning lady. Why not? That did not. And the cleaning woman question has never been the decisive one. The most important thing was that the school continue to exist and offer children from poor neighborhoods a chance to education and better life could, regardless of faith. - Rev. Enno Haak

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The project manager must sometimes say "no"

I was recently asked how to learn, "no" promise. In fairness, I had no answer to this question. Perhaps this is in the Natural person that even knows when enough is and when to "stop," says. However, I can give to a few simple tips that the "No" to facilitate the project from view if necessary.

first Knowledge
Before one can even say "No", the project manager must recognize that for an additional job, task or meeting really no time (or no budget) is left. Lack this knowledge, the project manager is not able to reject something. To receive this recognition, must project the project scope, progress, arrangements etc. know very well. A clear documentation of decisions, etc. of the Scope for this is mandatory.

second Technical justification
The project is almost always in the "confortable" situation that almost anything can be objectively discussed fully (the magic triangle ), justified in the dimensions of cost, schedule and performance can. If the project owner with an additional order or a request zusätzlcihen, the project manager must make immediately following thought:
  • What impact will this have on my deadline?
  • What impact will this have on the budget?
  • What impact will this have on the rest of the project scope? (Birgen in it affect any risks that other benefits / features solid?)
third The decision to "no" shift
above-mentioned reasons the client can be illustrated as the project reached a shift of the decision. The decision whether or not, at most, the event can be held, or the budget must be increased or whether it poses some risk lies with the client and not the project manager. Nevertheless, it is helpful if the project leader can make a recommendation. Are in fact the resources needed are present, it all if no rejection.

4th It can not continue endlessly
Nevertheless, it takes some time on (project) end. For the project, it is not always an advantage if something ever comes to it even if the necessary time and cost budget will be made available. The project manager is to ensure that the project does not "continuous project" and is controlled to reflect it. He can also ensure a line of argument about the risks.

5th A "no" to the supervisor or project team
"Can you do not fast the task and write the documentation ready? "" You Can not fast in one hour, the project to present before the Executive Board? " on the project meet daily unforeseen tasks. Klare work prioritization is essential that all tasks can be serious. As with the client before , the project also argue against the team and the manager why a job can not be done at the right time, or when another more important task suffers from the immediately requested task. Transparent display of his tasks and corresponding arguments help.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church assurance

emblem of the Church estn.
The 24th February is the Estonian national holiday. In Nordelbien It was this partnership services, and resembling the 20-year partnership with the Estonian Lutheran Church. The history of Estonia is suffering. Centuries were dominated by other peoples, Estonians, until it breaks in after the October Revolution took advantage of the favor of the hour and 24 February 1918 declared their independence - and for the first time in its history an independent state got. Their cultural and national identity have been preserved through centuries of foreign domination. This tradition was to use the 1991 in the 'Singing Revolution', the second time that independence was won. The church in Estonia, which was once People's Church, faces big Challenges. It now enjoys, despite great reservations, which are due to the long atheist dominated years, a good reputation.
2010 could overcome the Lutheran Church a long separation. The Church Abroad, founded by refugees after the Second World War, and the home church, signed in Tallinn and the Toronto Association Treaty and now form a common church.
The GAW maintains partnership relations with the Estonian Lutheran Church.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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How many loaves have you? - WGT liturgy from Chile

WGT motif and motto
This Friday all over the world, the "Weltgebtstag" have celebrated, this year designed for women from Chile to the liturgical sequence. Chile moves again very close!
For over a year my family and I live in Germany again. But now we Chile is again very close. Nine years of intense life and work is engraved in our hearts. We are a bit "chilenisiert. In the past few weeks my wife has often told in WGT Preparation circles of Chile and our lives. With our own experiences and adventures to celebrate such a liturgy different.
for us as GAW Chile has also moved close again completely. Last year we could afford after the devastating earthquake in February very important development assistance to the communities of our two partner churches. Churches, parish houses, community halls, kindergartens and schools could be renovated. We have tried the theme for World Day of Prayer to be filled with life: How many loaves have you? Jesus' words aim at the parts, let justice division to take part again and take share.
So I finally understand the order of our Diaspora work: parts and practice to be guided not own the view from the perceived deficiency. - Rev. Enno Haak

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Still Got Bumps After Scabies

Propst Manfred Brockmann on a visit to the headquarters

provost Brockmann and Eveline cancer
from the headquarters of the GAW
his annual visit paid Propst Manfred Brockmann of Vladivostok (ELKUSFO - Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Urals, Siberia and Far East) in the headquarters of the GAW in Leipzig from. He gave us a statement that the restoration of the historic fence around the St. Paul Church in Vladivostok documented that we had jointly funded with the Martin Luther Bund.
In this interview he explained the current situation after the ELKUSFO the establishment of the new bishop Otto Schaude. He also expressed its concern for his successor. Brock is now 70 and beginning for 20 years in the Far East. A suitable successor is not easy to find. A retired German priest, who is independent, would be wishful thinking. - Rev. Enno Haak

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Church uses in the Kaliningrad area

church ruins in
Breitenstein (Uljanowo)
Recently we reported on the situation of the church building in Kaliningrad space and the opinion of the Provost's Kaliningrad under the direction of Provost Loeber reported . a request of the Bundestag Manfred Grund deals with this very issue.
Cornelia Pieper MP, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs shall notify to the inquiry: "The Federal Government is aware of the opinion of the Evangelical-Lutheran provost and is in regular contact with her. With regard to the obligation of the Russian Orthodox Church to continue the existing use of the churches, the federal government will support the further developments. "In a response from Bernd Neumann MP, Minister of State in the Chancellery, is that the Federal Ministeriumn of the Interior and made available by the Federal Government for culture and media for the restoration of churches in Königsberg / Kaliningrad 1993-2010 budget of € 2,346,500. Funded projects included the Konigsberg Cathedral, the Church in Salzburg Gumbinnen / Gusev, churches in Maryino / Arnau, Gwardejskoje / Mulhouse, Schelesnodoroschny / Gerdauen, Turgenewo / United Legitten, Slawsk / Heinrichswalde, Wladimirowo / Tharau and Prawdinsk / Friedland. The transfer of former church property at the Russian Orthodox Church was, however, a sovereign decision of the Russian Federation, which was not evaluated by the federal government.
The Lithuanian government has successfully argued that the originally planned handover of the Church in Chistye Prudy / Tollmingkehmen to the Russian Orthodox Church did not take place. In this church already by the Soviet Union Donelaitis Museum was established. The Lithuanian government appealed to the supreme importance of the poet and Protestant minister Kristijonas Donelaitis (dt Christian Donalitius) f ÜR the Lithuanian culture.
The exact wording of question can be found at this link:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Homemade Trailer Ontario

on the waving banner fantasies seen

In fantasies
you can ground covering stride.
for two or three steps you
over a valley are away. watch
Opposite up the slope,
on the fruit trees,
frighten any birds, to miss a hedgehog.

you stand up and wander on.
Soon you're in the foothills
but you do not pause do;
this evening against the Matterhorn reject
with the Lord the mountain speak,
who welcomes you and leads to far distances
back to where it all began. beds

Overnight, the head in the snow,
you softly hear the chorus of gnomes
sing from the mountain interior.
you look forward to your visit
and ask you for a tune
from your heart.
Then they also sleep a happy.

the morning it goes on. are
With one foot in the lake
the other in Lago Maggiore.
forgo Venice,
beckons even Rome and the Colosseum.
arrival in the Eternal City
and feel at home as once
test than you living there.
How familiar it all is. Jump
From hill to hill,
seven times.
drink from the river Tiber as before.

Gulf of Naples and the Amalfi
salute in passing. miss
In Sicily Empedocles
once your brother,
on to Carthage, where it stood.
Hannibal can greet you,
visited friends across time.
and then get homesick yet.
once again to Frank and
walk the streets of Assisi,
very carefully, the residents
fear the smallest earthquakes.

insert a rest stop or in Lake Constance,
the Rhine and drink. admire
from above the Rhine Falls,
the southern Black Forest strip
and be back home and thank
fantasies for all
what was expected.
keep the wealth in the heart,
want to be hitting the road again.
with a known target.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Milena And Velba-milk

refugee project of the GAW in Malaga / Spain

African refugee children
in the backyard of the church in Malaga
In this year's Project Gallery, one finds a particularly interesting and important project - particularly in view There
in Malaga / Spain, a small Protestant community: the current situation in North Africa and the implications for southern Europe. It is not particularly large. She took it hard but in Catholic Spain. Legally, their stand is not easy. And but they are Protestant. Their church is a ruin - the church is still room, but in the rest of the building has burned it. The authorities are doing now pressure. The building must be renovated. Until then, it sounds more normal to chaotic. It is existeniell dramatically when you come through the church building in the backyard. There was once a Protestant school. This was closed and renovated a few years ago, so an unprecedented work for refugees, especially from Africa here stattfindne can. 65 refugees have a shelter behind the church ruins. When the church closed the church can provide no shelter for the refugees more. It is a drama. The small English Evangelical Church has not enough resources to help.
GAW As we have taken this project and want to promote it in the next three years. Donations can also do this. This is easy on our website ! - Rev. Enno Haak

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Beppo, the road of life or how you learn with joy.

Momo had known two all best friends, a young and an old, the old one was Beppo and he had two distinct characteristics that, if people would accept it, could change the world.
One was his handling of questions.
There were questions to answer which he did not find it necessary. Then he was silent.
This must be first, can not keep to the questions needed! As simple as it seems, is not, especially with Beppo's reaction!
Many of our media representatives and many of our politicians, we would wish, the capacity issues that are not really necessary, not to find necessary and they simply can not provide. And if politicians would then not even respond to questions that are not really necessary - my goodness ... too good to be true.
is clear there is yet another question, namely: How do I know that questions are not necessary?
Beppo's behavior might be useful: If he does not know an answer, he said nothing. So if he did not know whether a question was important, he was silent, too!

How could that change our reality, if the slobber many of our politicians when they talk, but do not really know answers, would not spread steadily as a tenacious Slurry, which flows through the media in our reality and our zukleistert.
way that applies to our inner and slobber, the outer is only a mirror of our inner.

Beppo's behavior could change our reality in schools, because there is an answer to the question of why some students remain silent: You do not need to find an answer :-))
And many teachers do not know what : Many students give the answer until hours later, when school is over
Beppo made it that way.. If he did not know an answer, he gave them two hours later, sometimes a day later.
This explains the way, finally, is why, for example a student on the question of his geography teacher, where the Ganges flows subject response. He had long thought about the question of his German teacher and a day later given the answer. Was it his fault that was geography lessons now?
For Beppo at any rate it was clear that all the misfortunes in the world of the many lies, the deliberate, but also the unintended comes, the only arise from hurry or inaccuracy.

Our school system has - honestly and seriously say again - but increasingly a destination: without haste while.
Why else would shorten the nine years to the eight-year-old high school, why the school is overloaded with more and more requirements? According to experts' opinion, the knowledge doubles on Earth every eight to 10 years, some even say every 5 years. As you can imagine what you have to make students and teachers.
that students learn than in the past to use computers and related programs in the school that they are much Learn more intense than earlier techniques that it also extra are methods dates that they also do social work experience and vocational training measures increasingly finding their way to school, be it that they do like us one week one internship or participate in a voluntary preparation for job interviews can compulsory visit for two days the country's universities or a newspaper, Porsche and Mercedes, they learn, above all, presentations and learn at the same time must ensure that the external shape of the curriculum designers is now more important than the content, whether that is what they is present hollow, second-or third-rate is increasing, that is only some of many new requirements that have been approached with in recent years to the schools - and increasingly so. Meanwhile, yes, we also each student has his portfolio! Wow! Violence prevention and education about the dangers of the Internet and other things such as healthy eating - how much overweight students, we have not ... - To say nothing, logically, there is also for curricula. And clearly the police officer comes to drug prevention in the classes. - Learning does too. Some sing in the choir school, playing in the Theater-AG, learning-impaired students give tuition in the afternoon to play in the orchestra, trained mediator to make and run the Trained in dispute are also, paramedic school or class president and meet regularly in the SMV or go to a camp in preparation for the school year. Yes, some work with the library administration to sit in school committees, and - lo and behold: some play in their spare time, one or two instruments, go to one or two sports clubs, are involved in the volunteer fire department, the YMCA and find out nor more ...
The good that nothing else is taken out of the curriculum for it. No one else comes to his senses!
And apart from that yes teachers are no longer only concerned with the education and preparation and accompanying above-curricular activities, but with evaluating their school, and although the Fremdevaluieren and Selbstevaluieren. This is again - at least in Baden-Württemberg - the big hit, without which education would be ruined: Evaluate! How does that sound too. The hat was! This makes the economy too! Any good company that prides itself on being evaluated, off and on!
that teachers who have to deal with as far as possible the assessment of strengths and weaknesses of their school and teaching and less time to prepare the lesson remains (that is what they originally were supposed to do once): this issue belongs not just get to the necessary.
course teachers should teach more diffenzierend, thus creating in each class for the weak and strong own worksheets or tasks, then correct it and / or discuss.
And in Baden -Wuerttemberg, teachers have moved through numerous training courses of learning goal orientation to competence-oriented, having previously been in their classes at their school - created every school for them, as economic (!) (!) -.'ve created training plans
Thank God we are still in the competent Good time to recognize this danger: that would go with the antiquated focus on learning objectives, learning-based world, only skills they can save! Now sit your ass wide in teacher training, teacher trainers themselves admit of which are open to them to see their meaning all. And at home waiting for the class work and home issues, which are checked. Does anyone from teaching?
that it would have made more sense to make training on skills before the training plans are created - oh, such a small Fehlerlein the Ministry of Culture, what of it ... Do not talk about stuff like that ... Educational reality 2011th

We always teach the children to ask questions. This is certainly true. But maybe adults should not always, especially for the deflection, as children ask questions and make it stupid, but think how Beppo. Basically, he was a Zen Buddhist: his work was his way to meditate. In Momo states:
"If he was so swept the streets, he did it slowly but steadily" since. "He did his work willingly and thoroughly"
This is however not anymore. Because we realize how Michael Ende pretty lived behind the moon.
happy do the work? - This question is not absolutely contemporary.
thoroughly? - That can be answered only if one of learning goal orientation toward competence orientation has evolved into.
If you have done that, fortunately, some question was no longer, for we have lost our appetite for everything.
way you can solve problems of education and teaching.
And human to do so.
can live the example, how useful we really, fully, and learn.

Beppo had an answer that is not longer fits into our time, because it presupposes that one has time and time have to: That's just not in our time!
"One should never think of the whole street at once, you understand? Just think about the next step, the next breath, the next brush stroke. And again and again only at the next ... then it makes Joy, which is important, then one makes a good job. "

It's true: It is important to know the big picture. But one must not confuse the knowledge about the big picture with the big (Kotzig) s gesture that many in our society now on it - indeed, increasingly learn it well young people must be heard only some representatives of political youth organizations to talk or pass some school representative to leave his mind. have
The big picture to assumes that you know the details so you know what one associates.
Therefore, the Beppo in important to us. Yard by yard, he knows his road.
And, as I said, he is not one of those big puke that must equal, and many do in our society even without being asked ...

joy? What was with Beppo's joy? - Is it the curriculum? Is this a skill?
learn with joy?
Perhaps a lifetime?
strange. silent on some questions that people have always been.
And be among the many oh-so-necessary questions that should be made real, no longer missing.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sample New Broker Introduction Letter

help in my project is no longer the quality

This situation is not new: A larger Software development project was started with a 10-member team. It has made good progress, the client is satisfied with the first results. All development tasks, and internal testing is almost complete, the project draws to a close. Long time ago, not all 10 team members are busy but they are already partially active again in other projects. Suddenly, the project manager noted that the quality of the project is no longer correct. When the errors have occurred, at this point no longer important, but much more that can do the project in such a situation, specifically, how he can avoid such situations:

first The team remains until the end, a team
Although the project team is working not only for this project, it remains up to a team project acceptance. It may well be that some people are working on other projects and almost no more for their own projects are active, but must ensure the project manager that the information is verteillt to all team members. Status Meeting, or personal updates to people who do not have more specific tasks are essential. And why?
  • The developer shall be responsible to the end of its components and if possible resolve it also found errors. If he is always based on an error correction from scratch needs, the may take far too long. But if he is informed as to what went in the project so he can begin geziehlt with the error analysis.
  • is suddenly given the responsibility, so have other people draw the error smooth. This is not in the sense of a team where everyone has assumed its responsibilities.
  • If the team member does not inform, it quickly loses motivation. Even if it must be corrected, this is possible without love and without extensive testing / review done.
If a team member has no more time for the project, then the project manager a clean transfer to another developer shall ensure that this responsibility takes on the corresponding component.

second After the initial success of the quality may not be neglected
the customer is satisfied with the performance so far, there is the danger very quickly not to make more detailed quality assurance as in the past. The confidence of the client one has won the first successes. Very quickly, here's the mindset "that can indeed test times on. This is counterproductive and not useful. Code reviews, reviewing the code quality, even in a later phase of the project essential. Through a quick error correction can also quickly sneak up error. This affects the (code) quality necessarily. A thorough retesting of the error correction by developers and testers at this stage is particularly important.

The following description sounds very much for the "ideal case". I am aware that often neither the time nor budget for a detailed quality assurance, respectively. for regular updates throughout the project team is present. Nevertheless, the project manager should be aware of the issue and control early against this problem.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Goggles For Nerf Party

Painting classes for children: Art Alert!

Bonnie and the balloon

In April 2011 begins the children's art workshop Alert! in kindergarten. Each Thursday from 15 bis 17 clock we meet in Alfelder studio.

Dates: Thursday from 6 x 21 April 2011 ending 31 May 2011, charges 30 € Please register in advance at 09 157 1211 or

Limited number of participants: 10 children

Monday, February 14, 2011

What Is Fibroids Mean

Ask and you will be given! - From the key, which is located in the heart.

(...) in each cell is a divine spark, to whom one can turn to, so that the body is perfected.
True love is the key to the mystery. All the sages and saints know that you see at all times that the key in the heart content. The key is simple love, true love, but not sentimental! This is not love. Love is the will of the father - the mother. Love means to do the will of father / mother who has sent - that's the key.
It is such a thing as spiritual guidance, not only by the innermost being, not only by the inner light, but also a tour of leaders, as guides or guardian angels in the afterlife. (...)
Many people unconsciously react to such a guide. The time will come when all of you react to your guardian angel. Then walk the people and the angels side by side along the ground. Ask and you shall be given - requests for guidance, especially before going to sleep at night, and does good impressions on the early morning. Answers will you be entered. You will wonder about the true guidance and assistance that is to come.
of White Eagle, reincarnation

Friday, February 11, 2011

Maxine Cartoons Tooth Extraction

"The cabin is up a kingdom of heaven." - Places of love.

appears the motive of the hut in Goethe Faust again and again. You must not think of Kohler or barbecue hats, no, hut this is a form of existence to live in a way. Of course, in narrow-mindedness and perhaps even poverty, but in cleanliness, surrounded by his loved ones. Faust's soul yearns to be able to live like that, he believes that he does not find in his books, his happiness, but here, that too may here know the answer to that desire, want, what holds the world at heart, is adjusted.
Margaret, he just once, after the church that is seen and with which he changed by then only two sets has lived in such a hut, and as Faust in her absence her home enters because he is the Heart on because he feels that wealth does live here, ok here we find that endearing, that satisfaction level, what is peace. Here his soul to heaven. Yes, it's there really heaven on earth. And fist it is responsible. Although he called the existing limit prison, he feels that happiness lives here. He throws himself into a chair in which also reflected the esteem of the ancestors, who were sitting in it already, where even his love, as it stood was small. hineingebettet
In such a love, order and abundance, has Mephistopheles, the clutter, the devil, the liar, tempt Faust's soul will, no power. Faust pointed him to the door to find words of love can, as they emanate from the heart of a man only rare

Welcome sweet twilight,
Thou this Sanctuary durchwebst!
take my heart, sweet love ',
The you with the dew of hope alive languishing!
breathes As round feeling of silence,
The order of satisfaction!
In this poverty which wealth!
take in this prison, what bliss!
(He throws himself into the leather chair by the bed.)
O on me, you know the ancient world already
in joy and pain in the open arms welcome!
How often, alas! fathers in this throne
Even a group of children has been hanging around!
Maybe, kissed devoutly grateful for the sacred Christian
My darling here, children with full cheeks,
The ancestor of the withered hand.
I feel o girls whisper, your mind
The filling and order around me,
The motherly up daily instructs
the carpet on the table up neatly wide means
your even the sand feet . frizz
O dear hand! Sun godlike!
The cabin is up a kingdom of heaven.

And then something happens, what to experience supreme happiness, the people listened:
Faust knows no more. The love release him from his picture he has of what Max Frisch wrote so enchanting.
Bewitched, enchanted by Margaret hut existence, Faust speaks to himself:

And you! What brought you here?
feel how deeply touched I am!
What do you want here? What is the heart so sore?
Armsel'ger fist! I do not know you anymore.

of thumb is this ancestor that found he could here, what holds the world at heart, not into it to realize in its actuality, it is a momentary Ancestors of his soul. But we realize as his successor can: To find the heart of the world, it needs no cathedral, no cathedral, no auditorium, no Audience or Bhagavad Gita, we can find the secrets of the world in a hut ... perhaps especially in a hut.

Convection Perfection 200t

Part 6: Stakeholder Communications

on stakeholders and stakeholder communication there are good theoretical foundations, such as the stakeholder analysis or communication matrix. I would like in this post does not explain the theoretical bases or play again, but rather describe what can be used together with these methods than PL for communication with stakeholders.

For direct communication with stakeholders a detailed stakeholder analysis is essential. Also, the project manager probably thought about at the beginning of the project, which stakeholder groups when, how and what will be informed (communication matrix). But you have a clean analysis and the corresponding reports to stakeholders in real boat?

Personal communication as the most important starting point for stakeholder communication:
I think that just when communicating with stakeholders as the project team to face communication plays an equally important role. Depending on the stakeholders to talk might not be such intensity within the team, but from time to time a phone call or in a common coffee does no harm. The following reasons:
  • stakeholders who are not so close to the project are often have no time to read all the reports and understand them to be sent once a month. Since there is no daily communication, we often forget the context. These are listed here project presentations where the break can shade the personal interview to be found.
  • can find in a personal interview, the project manager with more specific questions, where appropriate, all the problems lie, as in a one-way communication.
  • personal discussions, the stakeholders the opportunity to ask questions and that is from the Project for the ideal opportunity false assumptions the way clear.
  • It is more possible to win in person the confidence of a Stakeholeders. The stakeholder knows then the "face" behind the person who sends regular reports. And who knows, maybe these reports are then viewed it: o)
It is clear that in a big project, not every stakeholder can be cared for personally by the project manager. But the project manager in the project could appoint someone who is responsible for stakeholder communications. This person also decides when the project is to be there / need.