Friday, February 25, 2011

Type Of Burs In Dental

Church uses in the Kaliningrad area

church ruins in
Breitenstein (Uljanowo)
Recently we reported on the situation of the church building in Kaliningrad space and the opinion of the Provost's Kaliningrad under the direction of Provost Loeber reported . a request of the Bundestag Manfred Grund deals with this very issue.
Cornelia Pieper MP, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs shall notify to the inquiry: "The Federal Government is aware of the opinion of the Evangelical-Lutheran provost and is in regular contact with her. With regard to the obligation of the Russian Orthodox Church to continue the existing use of the churches, the federal government will support the further developments. "In a response from Bernd Neumann MP, Minister of State in the Chancellery, is that the Federal Ministeriumn of the Interior and made available by the Federal Government for culture and media for the restoration of churches in Königsberg / Kaliningrad 1993-2010 budget of € 2,346,500. Funded projects included the Konigsberg Cathedral, the Church in Salzburg Gumbinnen / Gusev, churches in Maryino / Arnau, Gwardejskoje / Mulhouse, Schelesnodoroschny / Gerdauen, Turgenewo / United Legitten, Slawsk / Heinrichswalde, Wladimirowo / Tharau and Prawdinsk / Friedland. The transfer of former church property at the Russian Orthodox Church was, however, a sovereign decision of the Russian Federation, which was not evaluated by the federal government.
The Lithuanian government has successfully argued that the originally planned handover of the Church in Chistye Prudy / Tollmingkehmen to the Russian Orthodox Church did not take place. In this church already by the Soviet Union Donelaitis Museum was established. The Lithuanian government appealed to the supreme importance of the poet and Protestant minister Kristijonas Donelaitis (dt Christian Donalitius) f ÜR the Lithuanian culture.
The exact wording of question can be found at this link:


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