Saturday, December 11, 2010

Basketball Court Formats

"Realistic Romance": Erich Kastner's error in terms of love and the true meaning of the sacrament of marriage.

I appreciate Erich Kaestner very much, especially his children's books as The twin girls and Emil and the Detectives - what I've got the films loved as much as I was with Emil as a detective ...
And of course I love his subtle humor and his way of closing punch lines to put in his poems is finally in the German poetry almost unique.
is so often so that it describes external causes, but in a way that lightens them so that they show in this light, a typical reality, I am thinking of the monologue in the bathtub, here is an excerpt:

As it is now as bare as one can only
has soap in his eyes, which bothers
notes and just a hair: it is a man who
With all that goes with it.

It seems the girls are right, if they
- before she tackled the habit -
believe the male sex
was barely tolerable in the shirt. And even naked!

. . .

Since it is without a wallet and shirt
and has his whole body no pockets.
without Catsuit man is a stranger ...
because you dream now, rather than to wash his neck.

The naked man has no class issue.
One could, if you have ink, write:
"I announce to my old days
I want to stay in my bathtub.."

. . .
In this way, delicious class meeting, when passing thoughts are written, and others.
But back to Awfully Big Adventure , it begins so:

When they knew each other eight years
(And you can say you knew a thing),
came suddenly lost her love.
Like someone else stick or hat.

and the second verse is:

you were sad were, with cheerful,
Tried kisses, so if anything, was
saw And as such, and did not know further.
As she cried at last. And he stood by.

Erich Kaestner speaks of love. But one thing is certain: it was never real love.
That which brings together two people is often a common structure that they - unconsciously them - have carried out to overcome together, or a common past in previous lives, they continue, and possibly to a good end do.
But not love. Hormonal outbursts are not love, even if they do hold some consider it or, perhaps they can be described as approximate.
why it is that the two are so foreign to the end of a liaison internally and shake his head and probably say: How could I have ...
no accident that the Bible speaks of it, that what God joins together, man should not divorce.
But such meetings lasting possibly for years as in Kastner Awfully Big Adventure God has not joined. What God joins together, that's what I call, which is first marriage , it is the real marriage, that which we call soul partnership.
course can no two people are soul mates in love lead and yet a marriage. There are no marriages in heaven, it says in the Bible. Where there is love, is marriage between a man and woman. So it is in Song of Solomon . Both Solomon and Shulamith are there "only" a couple. Nevertheless, their love is at the heart of the Bible.
also from there - so I would like to express - a real marriage is always being together in love and vice versa, being together in love is a marriage. Zoff and discussion included. Finally, we live on Earth.
What is the church as a sacrament is in fact an internal asset. An inner sanctuary, just a sacrament.
being said, of a marriage in this love, the two poems in Kastner's far away. Well, if the day comes, may come to light. Then loses a marriage like a stick or hat. And if she loses, that is, if not processed or dirty laundry is washed, it's good. Never find two together for no reason.
As long as there are no children, is not such a tragic end for me, in some ways it makes sense, makes sense. Such a relationship can bring both partners to their inner truth a little closer. Because everyone wants to know, what love is.
reason is the fact that the Catholic Church sanctioned a divorce in some way, non-sense. Just a divorce between two people that God has really brought together: That would be a violation of the sacrament of marriage. But this, so I hope and believe, is not so common, because that would be really tragic.

the sake of completeness, the final two stanzas Kästner:

From the window you could wave ships.
He said it was already quarter past four drink
And time, somewhere coffee.
Next door a man practicing the piano.

you gingn the smallest café in the city
And touched in their cups.
the evening they were sitting there still.
you sat alone and they did not speak
And it simply could not grasp.

About Erich Kaestner as women understand: here


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